Boarding Actions, Expanding the Fleet, Testing Continues

     The first big update to Vertigo: Fleet Action is ready for release! 22 pages have been added.

     Boarding actions now have their own rules section. For now the GM will have to create their own maps for each ship class as needed. Full hex maps for each class of ship will be made in the future but until this rule set is more thoroughly tested, the maps will be changing too often to put to "print". This also gives a small glimpse into the rule set for Ground War as it will use an expanded version.

     New fleet navies have been added as well as equipment for these ships. Existing navies have also had more ships added to their roster. The first iteration of subcapital ship rules have also been added. Most of a subcapital ship's stat block will be blank for now, with only the relevant portions for space combat guaranteed to be completed.

The full change log can be seen below:

New Tags have been added

The first iterations of Boarding Action rules have been added. Hex maps for each class of ship will be added in the future as they will take more internal testing first.

Generic subcapital ships have been removed

Reorganized ship systems to be after capital and subcapital ship listings

Added Criminal Ships
Retrofit cargo pod (breaching pod)

Added Foundation Navy
Stealth Breaching Pod

Added IIX Foreign Council Navy
Azurat Destroyer
Stheno Cruiser
Oerlisk Cruiser

Added Itokor Com Sov Navy
Atriax Cutter
Arkitent Frigate
Vikrant Frigate
Tashkent Cruiser

Added Omereth Navy
Tick Dropship
Tick Fireship variant
Tick Gunship variant
Wardriver Fighter/Bomber
Bezerker Boarding Pods

Added USR Navy unnamed breaching pod
SOR-EV drop pod

Added Capital Ship Weapons
Dual Purpose Cannons
Thermal Lances

Added Capital Class E-War
Thought Bubble

New E-War Effect
Crash Tasking

Added Defense Systems
Counter Measure Dispenser
Directional Shields
Hardened Shields
Sacrificial CPU

Added Auxiliary Systems
Ejectable Heatsinks
Magnetic Radiator
Slurry Heatsinks
Torpedo Coils

Added Personal Electronics
'Anykey' Module


Vertigo Fleet Action 0.1.1.pdf 1.2 MB
May 31, 2022

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